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Bionicle Skin Header
Bio Sticker Shoppe
Bionicle Skin Frame Top
Bionicle Skin Frame Bottom
Rank of Introduction BIONICLE
Description Allows you to buy Stickers from Networkers!
Slots 1 Slot
Stats Guest spend the listed cost to buy the Sticker. Remember you only need one of any particular sticker as you can use a Sticker as many times as you'd like in your Sticker Modules. This version of the Sticker Shoppe requires Networker friendship in order to trade.
Bionicle Skin Footer

The Bio Sticker Shoppe is a Sticker Shoppe textured to match the BIONICLE Skin.


Other than the texture difference, the only other major quality is the fact that it requires networker friendship to be clicked. However, most of the modules sell the same stickers that can be unlocked with BIO codes.The BIO sticker module lets you get a sticker of the networker itself.

How to Obtain[]

Users cannot obtain this Module, as it is a Networker only Module.

Networkers Modules
Animation Module | Bio Networker Trade Module | Bio Sticker Shoppe | LEGO Universe Loop Shoppe | LEGO Universe Sticker Shoppe | LU Networker Trade Module | Loop Shoppe | Networker Pic Module | Networker Trade Module | Networker Text Module | S.P.A. Sticker Vault | Sticker Shoppe
Ancient Scroll | Ancient Spear | Ancient Spear Fragment 1 | Ancient Spear Fragment 2 | Ancient Spear Fragment 3 | Ataku's Mark | Bonehunter Blade | Desert Spring Location | Glatorian Contract | Gresh's Seal | Iconox's Favor | Musk of the Bonehunter | Quick Silver Flux | Red Pearls | Rock Salt | Skrall's Seal | Stinger Oath | Strakk's Seal | Tarix's Seal | Thornax | Thornax Stew | Volcanus Torch | Volcanus Torch Flame
Agori Trophy Module | BIO Jungle Adventure Sticker Module | Bio Networker Trade Module | Bio Sticker Shoppe | Bonehunter Trap Module | Desert Adventure Sticker Module | Desert Ambush Sticker Module | Thornax Plant Module